Hi there,
I tried to update my Axiom Pro Firmware 25 and this error ruined everything for me. I searched to make a download from different servers but nothing useful was found. I am new on Apple and I don’t have a big experience with this kind of errors. Please is anyone available to help fixing the mess I did?
Thank you!
Axiom Pro 25 Firmware Updater.app can’t be opened because It Is from an unidentified developer.
Axom Pro 25 Firmware Updater.app is on the disk image Axiom_Pro_25_Updater_OSX_1_0_1.dmg. Safari downloaded this disk image today at 10:25 AM from www.m-audio.com.
Axiom Pro 25 Firmware Update error
Yes, this is normal because Mac OS X allows installation only from authorized developers especially those that come from the Mac App Store. But even if this happens, you can still install your application even if the operating system restricts you from doing so. Here’s how you can do it. Click on the Apple menu and select System Preferences, then Security & Privacy.
In Security & Privacy screen, under General tab, click on the Lock icon to make some changes. Enter your administrator username and password to continue. In “Allow applications downloaded from”, select Anywhere and then click Allow From Anywhere when you are prompted. Now, begin installing Axiom Pro 25 Firmware Updater and you should be able to install it.
When you are finished installing your app, go back to Security & Privacy. Under “Allow applications downloaded from”, select “Mac App Store and identified developers”. And that’s it. Also visit M-Audio USB MIDI Uninstaller for a graphical explanation of this method.