The advantages of AirPrint, CloudPrint and Kindle Fire Printing

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In mobile solutions in printing, there are 3 that I would like to compare; Apple Airprint, Google Cloud Print and Amazon Kindle Fire Printing. What are the advantages of each solution? Are these supported by most printer manufacturers? Is there any particular feature a printer needs to have for these solutions to be applicable to it?

Answered By 0 points N/A #199886

The advantages of AirPrint, CloudPrint and Kindle Fire Printing


No one can really say that one is better than the other for it all depends on your interest, which will serve as the criteria of your choices, whether you prefer,  for example, the computer over tablet or smart phone, or the other way around. One may also prefer the cheapest value of a unit over mobility, or the most popular one.  The Operating system like Microsoft Windows are globally used in most desktop and laptop computers, while Linux for most supercomputers. While the Amazon Kindle Fire is normally used in a mini tablet computer version of the's Kindle e-book reader. With these initial usage, we can see the advantages. Linux is an operating system, which is  for free distribution and open source software development.
Of course, printer manufacturers go hand in hand with the production of the latest technology of software as much as possible, but it's not the printer that first matter here, but rather the purpose, which is the wireless printing. Most of the printer developed today is ready for cloud printing, but even they are not the apps has a backward compatibility so that the old device can still be used for cloud printing. Cloudprinting-ready  printer does not need a computer. 

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