Adding A Calendar In Outlook, How To Add A Shared Calendar In Outlook. If Anyone Knows, Please Help.

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I have to add a shared calendar in outlook, does anyone know how to add a shared calendar in outlook? It will be a great help.

Answered By 0 points N/A #294145

Adding A Calendar In Outlook, How To Add A Shared Calendar In Outlook. If Anyone Knows, Please Help.


The outlook calendar lets you view the calendars of your other team members or your work or home calendars. To add a shared calendar, you just have to follow the below mentioned simple steps.

  1. Open outlook calendar.
  2. Click on the calendar, select schedule view from the give options.( By selecting arrange group from the Home tab)
  3. Click on add a Calendar option; it is at the bottom of the Calendar View area.
  4. You can now enter a name in the text box and then outlook will search your contacts relevant to the name you entered and will add the entry in the My calendars list. Enter any name in the search box and then, Outlook will search your contacts for any relevant details or contact if it matches.

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