Web hosting is a service through which people and organizations can post their website on the internet. The basis of business that works on online depends on the hosting service and it is quite difficult to choose the best-suited web host. Given below are few points that need to be kept in mind while choosing the web host.

1) Price
Price is the most important feature that comes to a person’s mind while choosing any service. But jumping off to the cheapest offer is not always a wonderful idea; the other features should also be considered along with the price. So, make a list of all the proficient web hosts and compare their prices and qualities.
2) Speed
It is a factor that should be kept in mind while choosing a web host. In today’s generation, speed is the most important factor. A web host that loads within seconds makes a faster website attracting more and more users.

3) Scope of development
A site is of no use if it doesn’t have any scale of development. A host that is perfect for you today might be of no use for you two years from now. A web host should have its eye on growth.
4) Control panel
There are some things like email settings that should be cared about without taking the company’s support line. Such things are taken care with the help of control panel. So, a perfect web host is the one that provides a suitable control panel.

5) Security
A secure web host is a perfect web host. A fast website attracts lot of users, but its lack of security will make them move away from the website. So, a secure web host is a necessary factor which is considered before choosing a perfect web host for your website.
6) Add on features
The use of internet services for many additional purposes has been gradually increasing. So, the increase in websites leads to an increase in demand of more and more web host. So, a perfect web host should provide more and more add-on features to attract more users.
7) Reputation
Before selecting a web host, do a little research about a particular web host. Social media is a great platform to know about a particular topic. Ask questions about the host company and their reviews on social media.
8) Tech support
If a site goes down then you should be able to guide you quickly. Technical specifications of all web hosts are not same. So, a better web host is one which provides technical support anytime and every time you need.

9) Hardware
While choosing a host hardware is an important feature. You should know which type of machines your web host uses as the hardware can affect the performance of your site.
10) Reliability
A reliable company, is the best one to deal with if you want to make a perfect business website. This is measured through experience, uptime percentage, backup and other features.