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I have an urgent problem.  My cell would not switch on. No matter what I do, I could not use it.  It started when I accessed my rom manager.  I pushed the backup rom button and then the phone turned off.  Since then, I could not turn it on.  Do you have any idea to help me so I could use my phone again?  Thanks!

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Hi, I have an old laptop and it never gave me any problems until now.  Whenever I turn it on, an error would occur telling me to restart again.  I cannot use it since I am told to do this every time I open my laptop. 

Is there any way I can save this laptop or should I start looking for another one? 

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Hello.  I am looking for a wireless card for my desktop.  However, I have no inkling on which brand to buy.  I would like it to be fast and reliable but would be cheap at the same time.  Do you have any idea what I should buy?  A lot of thanks to you.

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Hi!  I would like to ask your expert opinion on this.  I am a student who likes photography.  I am currently the proud owner of a Canon XT/350D.  However, it was recently overshadowed by a T2i which is owned by a friend of mine.  It seems that the T2i has better colors and the pictures have better output than what I had.  We even took the same pictures to compare and I thought that his were better.  Is it just me or is T2i really better?  Is it advisable for me to do an upgrade?  I am still a student so I do not have a lot of cash.  But still, I really do love photography.  Any advice?

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I am an avid fan of pet photography.  I do not have a DSLR yet.  Do you have any advice on what brand I should purchase? 

Would my budget of about $600 be enough? 

I would like to shoot pets in action.  The camera should also be nice to shoot both outdoors and indoors.  I also would like to have shutter at high speed so that I could take a lot of shots and edit them later. 

Any advice would be very much appreciated.

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I want to change the restoration delay time of the log shipping settings of my secondary databases from 15 minutes to one day. I clicked the “…” button on the “Transaction Log Shipping” properties, but there was an error during the execution of the Transact SQL statement, claiming that only the sysadmin members of the fixed server role are allowed to execute the operation (Microsoft SQL server, Error: 21089).

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Hi!  I recently purchased an Acer computer.  It runs in Windows 8.  Now I have trouble with my wireless connection since it tells me to turn on my wireless adaptor.  I don't know how to do this.  Please do help.  Thank you!

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I really need your help.  I am trying to finish installing my video card but I can't seem to. 

I tried to upgrade to an ATI driver but nothing seems to happen.  It goes back to normal after starting up again.  My computer is quite old, it's an Asus K8v-mx, with a 2 gigabyte memory.  My monitor is an HD 4650 Radeon.  What should I do?

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Hi, this is perplexing.  Whenever I watch videos,  my Acer laptop would produce a buzz-like noise and after a while, would hang.  I already added a video card (ATI 5450) but it would still do the same thing.  I already did my updates on all my drivers.  By the way, I am running at Win7 64bit.  What should I do?  I racked my brain and the internet but to no avail.  Your ideas will be highly appreciated.

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Hello.  I am currently building a machine for Photo Editing and I need help.  The costs are getting higher and I am still halfway.  I want to have high speed and at the same time save costs.  How should I do this?

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