If you’ve ever bought a laptop or other electronic device, you know that there are tons of battery options. But if we can help it, here are ten reasons why bigger is better when it comes to laptop battery size:
1. The Bigger, The Better
Larger batteries can store more power and keep your laptop going longer between charges. It means you can use it for longer without having to plug it in—or at least for a lot less time than if you had a smaller battery with less capacity in its storage space.
2. Lage Batteries Are Heavy
The size of a laptop battery is an essential factor to consider when purchasing your first laptop. Larger batteries are heavier, while smaller ones tend to be lighter. You carry your computer around and how comfortable holding it on your shoulder while moving it around the office or traveling on trains and planes.
Consider an 11- or 13-inch model instead of a 12 or 14-inch one if portability is a priority. Their smaller batteries and overall weight make them easier (and faster) to use than other options on the market today. They still provide enough power to get you out the door each morning without worrying about running out of juice.
3. Larger Batteries Hold More Charge
- Larger batteries hold more charge. Lithium-ion batteries are more efficient than other types, so that they can store more energy in a smaller space. It makes them ideal for laptops that run long periods without recharging, like an airplane or train ride.
- Larger batteries also last longer when used regularly and don’t require frequent charging (which means fewer cables). The bigger the storm, the longer it can run without recharging—which translates into longer battery life.
- The issue isn’t one of proportion alone. Because a more extensive battery has thicker walls and a higher density material, it weighs more than a smaller battery.
- It makes it easier to transport your laptop if you have a large capacity but still want something lightweight so as not to add too much weight to your person while going about your daily activities, such as commuting by bus or train.
4. Larger Batteries Have A Longer Lifespan
The second reason to consider when choosing a laptop battery is its lifespan. Compared to other battery types, lithium-ion batteries last far longer and can be charged and discharged many more times before they completely lose their ability to store or release energy. For example, many laptops use lithium-ion batteries rated for up to 10 years at 100% capacity (which equates to about 4 hours of continuous use per day). A typical alkaline battery would only last about three years at this usage level before it needed replacement.
5. Larger Batteries Are Better For The Environment
Lithium-ion batteries are more environmentally friendly than nickel-cadmium ones. They have a higher energy density, so they can store more power and last longer.
6. Larger Batteries Can Save You Money
- A bigger battery will last longer, so you can use your laptop without replacing it. It also makes it cheaper to replace the battery in the future—you don’t have to buy an entirely new laptop! Furthermore, larger batteries are more manageable and less expensive than smaller ones for maintenance or repairs on your device.
- Larger batteries allow manufacturers more room inside them to accommodate things like pumps and fan systems without being too bulky (or expensive). Since bigger batteries take up more space than smaller ones when shipped by UPS across town or country, shipping costs are lower per unit weight because there aren’t as many individual pieces being transported together at once!
7. Larger Laptop Batteries Will Work If Only Partially Charged
The more prominent your laptop battery is, the more charge you can hold. If you have a smaller laptop battery and are only partially charged when you need to use it, your computer will likely run out of power before everything runs. However, if there’s enough space for all that power inside one giant lithium-ion cell (like we saw above), then even if it’s not complete, there won’t be any issues running any programs!
8. When Shopping For Batteries, Durability And Longevity Are Paramount
- A high-quality, long-lasting battery is a better value than a low-quality one.
- If you don’t have time to wait for your laptop to charge and recharge, consider buying an external battery instead of investing in a new laptop battery.
- Laptop batteries are consumable products that will eventually wear out over time. When it comes time to replace your old batteries with new ones, ensure high-quality materials such as lithium-ion or nickel metal hydride (NiMH).
9. Your Laptop’s Battery Is Replaceable
- If your laptop’s battery is starting to fail and you want to save money on a replacement, you can do so by buying an extra compatible battery. You may also find one at your local electronics shop or online.
- Get familiar with each type of battery’s power (for example, Li-ion batteries have more control than NiMH) and what features they offer (such as extended life).
- Please make sure that both batteries are before installing them into their respective slots so that they not only work together but also remain functional throughout their lifetime!
10. A Larger Lithium-Ion Battery Has A Higher Energy Density Than A Smaller One
A larger lithium-ion battery has a higher energy density than a smaller one. It means that it will have a longer life and be lighter, which is essential if you want to carry your laptop wherever you go.
But how much energy density is necessary depends on what kind of laptop battery you’re using, so before choosing your new laptop battery size, check out our blog post called Laptop Battery Size:
Getting a battery that is the proper size and type for your laptop is the main priority. Feel free to contact us anytime with your inquiries or problems; we will be happy to assist you.