How do horizontal pitch, Bandwidth and misconvergence affect monitor sharpness?

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

How do horizontal pitch, Bandwidth and misconvergence affect monitor sharpness? I recently bought a Hewlett Packard Monitor and the monitor sharpness is noting to write home about, a friend later said I should check the monitor bandwidth, and other factor but I don’t know how this affects the monitor sharpness?

Answered By 0 points N/A #200253

How do horizontal pitch, Bandwidth and misconvergence affect monitor sharpness?


All three are important in determining whether or not a monitor has a great display. Overall, you would need to have a small horizontal pitch, high bandwidth, and low misconvergence. You also need a good video display card.

Defined, horizontal pitch is the distance between dots on the monitor. Bandwidth is a measure for how quickly the monitor will respond. Therefore, the higher the bandwidth, the better picture quality you will have. Finally, misconvergence refers to the beams inside the picture tube of the monitor. It affects how colors show on the monitor.

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