Ghostscript v6.0 or higher could not be run to open PDF file

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there,

Ghostscript gives me this error when I want to open some PDF files. I have the latest version of this program and I still cannot open them. How can I open PDF files with this program ? Please tell me from where I can download some free PDF readers.

Thank you !

Message from Neutron PhotoScore

Ghostscript v6.0 or higher could not be run to open this PDF file. Please ensure is not already running, reinstall the Ghostscript included with PhoteScore, or visit for the latest version.


Answered By points N/A #177903

Ghostscript v6.0 or higher could not be run to open PDF file



This problem is happening because Ghostscript version is old enough not to work with. You have to update your Ghostscript to get rid of this issue.

Download GhostScript v8.63. Uninstall the older one and install this version. If you wish to install the latest version of Ghostscript, you can get it from here. Since now, the latest version is 9.14.


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