Export document management software error and trace log

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Guys! I’ve experiencing this error using Document Management Software which is  using .Net Framework. When I experience some error this image attached appear and ask if I want to export the log file. How can I use this log file to solve errors from my software? Any Idea?


Export FDA Logs

Which log file do you want to export?



Answered By 0 points N/A #109319

Export document management software error and trace log


Dear Ronald,

Please be first clear about the difference between the error logs and trace logs.

The Error log or commonly known as Alert Log, logs the information like startup or shutdown information of the database, admin activities and its all done by the server process.

The Trace log, logs the information about user activities or the information about any internal error occurs at the database and its a user process.

In order to specify the error you are facing in exporting the data, you need to check one by one, both the log files.

First start with the error log file, you will notice messages like, information, warning, fatal.

First filter out the fatal messages, if they are present, and check the information provided in front of them, than if required check the warning messages.

If you cannot find such information in the error log file, than export the trace log. And perform the same steps.

In our experience, you will get the required information from the error log file.


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