ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT 1612 The installation source for this product is not available

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT 1612 The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it.

Hello. I have a question about this error: ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT:  Contact your technical support group. This is System Error 1612. I have an MSI package which works on all installations, but occasionally on an update or uninstallation this ERROR 1612 happens.

I think on almost all installations where this error happens it would not copy into the cache directory. How do I avoid this error or improve my setup so that this error wouldn’t happen any longer?


Answered By 10 points N/A #190836

ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT 1612 The installation source for this product is not available


Hello Alex,

Where are installing the software from? Is it a flash disk or an external hard drive? Because if those are the sources then it is possible that the device is disconnected, and therefore you will need to try unplugging the device and then plug it back. Make sure that data from the device can be read.




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