Error when receiving documents from Landonline workspace

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am an a Landonline ( user and I'm facing an issue.  After linking with the system, I received the following document:  Landonline workspace-CPG_S04-layout plan sheets.

But I get an error.  See below.

Landonline Workspace – CPG_S04 – Layout Plan Sheets

Message: 3505

Error Number 45.

Error text = Error calling external object function getxmlparser at line 60 in pfc_save event of

object w_cpg_s04_layout_plan_sheets..

Window/Menu/Object = w+cpg_s04_layout_plan_sheets.

Error Object/Control = w_cpg_s04_layout_plan_sheets.

Script = pfc_save.

Line in Script = 60..

I am eagerly waiting for a solution.  Thanks in advance.

Answered By 55 points N/A #94954

Error when receiving documents from Landonline workspace


When you were creating a layout plan sheet, did you follow the parameters carefuly? Because it is very important to follow the format that is given by the system.

  1. Create a new sheet. This time create it by using the Quick setup or startup wizard.
  2. It will guide you through the whole process. Just leave all the options intact. Don't change the options that are already set by the software.
  3. If there is anything that is not specified, do specify it according to your needs and then save it.
  4. After that close the program and run it again.
  5. Put all the data in that plan sheet again and save it.
  6. Once saved, it is an indication that it is working well.

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