Error code 0x80501001 Microsoft Security Essentials

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -


I am trying to get rid of laptop Spyware such as: TrojanDownloader:Win32/Nistio.

A Microsoft protection specifications skilled one.

The issue was basic safety needs cannot use the measure you chosen. More activities cannot be attained properly.

Protective specifications skilled on the pursuing fault: fault value 0x800700df. Classification: Computer Malware acquire is harmful and can acquire other application.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer by Carell Henry
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #148437

Error code 0x80501001 Microsoft Security Essentials



This problem arises because of potentially harmful programs like spam ware, viruses, malwares etc.

You can use variety of applications like tune up utilities, advance system care.

For removing malwares, I will recommend you using Advance Malware Pro. It comes with the Advance System care pro. I have personally used this software and got great advances.

In this application, you have not much work to do. Just scan your personal computer with this application. This will take some time. After completing this, just clean the selected malicious software.


Microsoft security essential is also a very powerful malicious removal tool. You just need to regular update of it.

Answered By 0 points N/A #148438

Error code 0x80501001 Microsoft Security Essentials


Hi there Oswald.

Having a computer virus like that is such a pain in your head. I think you should get a good Antivirus such as Avast, McAfee, etc. then scan your computer in full system scan. Or you may delete the file that contains that virus. We've experienced that virus on our computer before but I was so impatient with the virus. So when I noticed that my antivirus won't be able to remove the malware, I just reformat my pc.

It is so good having a website like techyv. I have learned a lot.  Thanks. 

Answered By 20 points N/A #148439

Error code 0x80501001 Microsoft Security Essentials


Hi Canyon Oswald 

Side by side these solutions also pay a visit this Techyv post "Security Essentials Code Error (Trojan Virus)" to get more procedure to fix this issue. 

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