Advantages of using address multiplexing with DRAM memory

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

What is the principal advantage of using address multiplexing with DRAM memory? Which of the following best describes nonvolatile memory? A nonvolatile type of memory that can be programmed and erased in sectors, rather than one byte at a time is? Select the best description of read-only memory (ROM). Which of the following RAM timing parameters determine(s) its operating speed?

Answered By 0 points N/A #180933

Advantages of using address multiplexing with DRAM memory


Principal advantage of using address multiplexing with DRAM memory is reduced pin count and decrease in package size.

A nonvolatile memory is a general term for all forms of solid state (no moving parts) memory that do not need to have their memory contents periodically refreshed.

A nonvolatile type of memory that can be programmed and erased in sectors, rather than one byte at a time is Flash memory.

t1 and t3 are the RAM timing parameters to determine(s) its operating speed.

ROM is a read only memory is a type of built in memory used with computers and other electronic devices. We can read the data from this memory, but we can’t modify the data in the memory.

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