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My laptop is really slow lately. It even came to a point where it’s really annoying. So then I tried to scan it online for viruses but online scan finds nothing except for some Adware. But when I check the available space on my hard drive it’s just showing...

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I was using Adobe PhotoShop CS 3 on my Mac OS Leopard and was opening a file when I got this error message, see below.

I tried deleting pref files and restarting Photoshop but still the same error message popped up.

I couldn’t reinstall PhotoShop since I lost the installer.

Is there...

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I got this error message when I used Photoshop CS 4 in an old laptop with Win XP. 

I wondered why I got this error (see screenshot below) when Photoshop was working fine there before. 

I searched the internet and found a useful page. I have tried updating the driver but...

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I am trying to recover or backup a database file from an old 5.25 floppy disc. I really just wanted to see the files. I tried several commands in DOS prompt but I am getting this error; SystemError: Illegal Free 0" or “System Error: Illegal Free with some other...

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We have a new ASA firewall installed and our public IP address expanded from 6 digits to 14 digits. We were able to get on the internet after it was configured but we could not access our external servers such as payroll, exchange, OCS and mail servers. I would...

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I am using Photoshop for editing images and at the same time using After Effects to animate these images.  By the way, these are all Adobe Software.  Anyway, one time I got this error message, see below. 

I was a bit puzzled by the error message mentioning about Pixel Bender. ...

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I am Firefox user for years now. 

One time I was surfing the internet when this error message popped into my screen, see below. 

I have searched the web and learned that npdsplay is a Windows Media Player plug-in that is used by some sites to play video and audio. 

I read...

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I was having trouble with my iTunes in my Vista PC and whenever I connect my iPod touch to one of the USB ports, the PC hangs. 

I wondered what causing this so I reinstalled QuickTime and iTunes. 

While I was installing QuickTime thru Programs and Features in the Control Panel,...

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I tried to update a software from Apple using my device but after doing it, I started having problems on using Mobile Me email on my desktop. I could not reach it even when I tried to go directly into the address. It keeps on loading but the page...

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Can CDoes Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

CaI am looking for an application that runs in the background to connect Outlook 2011 to Growl Notifier for my MS Exchange account. I am using Mac OS X 10.6.7. Any assistance would be much appreciated!! 

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