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I learned to work with Adobe Photoshop 7.0 by myself, using tutorials and lessons from the internet.

Can anyone tell me if it’s possible for someone to earn enough for a living from only working in Photoshop, and if not, what is the best program anyone should learn?  

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I am experiencing a problem with my Microsoft Excel. Whenever I try starting a macro in an existing spread sheet, I encounter an error message saying “It appears that you have opened it using Internet Explorer.

Please download the spread sheet to your computer and open it using Excel”. It...

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I was upgrading Skype on my laptop but failed when I got an error stating that the old version cannot be removed. 

I tried reinstalling Skype instead but it also failed and got the same error message. 

Any advice on what to do next?  Please help.     

See screenshot of error below:

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I am working on a file that is shared through NAS. My problem is that sometimes when I save a copy of the file and then reopen it later, an error message would appear saying that the file does not exist and then would ask me to save a...

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I am using Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and I am having a problem in playing videos properly through it.

When I present, the only time I could play the video is after I clicked on the slides before and after the slide where the video is inserted. Doing this does not...

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My computer’s operating system is Windows XP and I am using Microsoft Office 2007 with it.

My trouble is whenever I open an Excel file; it opens but has no data on it. Microsoft Word works just fine but Excel does not.

I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling Microsoft Office 2007,...

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Whenever I try updating the Pivot Table using the Refresh Data key, I kept on receiving the error message saying “Reference is not valid”. Is there anything I can do to refresh the data?

I hope you can help me. Thank you. 

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My fellow workers and I are experiencing a problem with a Microsoft Excel sheet that is shared through our Network drive.

Full access to that Excel sheet was given to all 10 users to and we have also enable the Share Workbook option to allow more people to work on...

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I am currently testing Microsoft Office 2007 to determine if my company should upgrade from Microsoft Office 2003.  One of the things I tested was the Microsoft Excel. I tried running an important spreadsheet that was originally created in Microsoft Excel 2003.

The spreadsheet ran on Compatibility Mode however, any...

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I need help in figuring Microsoft Excel out. I have this Excel file where I input dates in some columns.

The problem is whenever I right-click the cell, the date format changes.

I tried restarting Microsoft Excel and even tried formatting the cells but the changes kept on happening.

I hope you’ll...

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