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Hello there!

I would like to know about Index in detail like its need and types. I also need to know the number of Clustered Index that can be implemented in a table. Also, please enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of creating separate index for each column.

Please guide me...

Thank you...

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Hello there!

Can you help me...

I have implemented a trigger on a table in the OLTP system which instantiate a COM object and pass the inserted row for processing. Can this be implemented in a better way?

Please guide me on this...

Thank you...

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I need certain clarifications regarding my concerns. Will the rapid clone update both global and local inventory or do we have to do it manually? How can I reduce the patch time? Kindly provide briefing about select statements in sub queries.

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I would like to know whether it is possible to create temporary MYSQL table like that in SQL Server and Oracle using PL/SQL language.

Will it affect the data fetching speed or time?

Please guide me because im newbie on this...

Thank you...

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Can you help me with this problem of mine with Visual Basic programs? 

What if I need to fetch only the last 5 records from a table with fields like ID, City, State, and Address?

How will I make this possible?

Please guide me.


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I am working on a document and I want to import inventory from a text or CSV file. The software I am using does not have this facility. Is there anyone who has imported a text or CSV data into database? Anyone with an idea? I want to import...

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I am getting a Fill dialogue while trying to delete the background of a graphic image using Photoshop.

I am following this procedure:

                     Open the file in Photoshop,  Select the background using Magic Wand or Quick Selectionà Press Delete.

Am I doing...

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 I would like to use the Index Scan even though it is costlier. Could you suggest me an init.ora SPfile parameter to force the Cost Based Optimizer (CBO) to make a statement execution path to us an Index?

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Good Day!
Please help me this...
I am receiving the error message   “Could not complete your request because of a program error” while trying to save a picture edited using PhotoShop Element 5.
I never had this problem before.
Do you have any suggestion in resolving the issue?

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How can I resolve the problem of deadlock that happened between two applications in a banking sector without forcing any application paying way to stop all tractions during the bank time?

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