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I am using a computer of Pentium 4. Currently my video quality is not up to the mark. Now a days the games and movies are developed in highly video effects like HD or 3D which sometimes don’t support in my computer. My current requirements are as follows:

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I came to know that iPad has a fingerprint-resistant screen, but then you said the fingerprints show up disgustingly. True?

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Which audio playback technology do I need for this?

Thanks in advance.

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Since Apple is keen on joining the race for cloud based computing dominance how is it going to fare against online  search engine giant Google, given a few years from now?

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Since cloud computing is the trend now, does that mean that all desktop applications will soon be rendered obsolete in favor of browser embedded applications?

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One technology I have always been fascinated by is a fax machine. "Yes I know a fax machine."

  I have always wanted to know what goes on when the message or letter is sent?

The process behind the scenes. Does it have some one collecting the fax and then sending it through a...

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I have always heard about radiation in a cell phone. What is the risk of using a cell phone? Are there any risks to the brain and does it result in loss of memory? What can a person do to protect their self again the addition a doe and headset help?

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The Verichip was discontinued from manufacturing in the year 2010 because of privacy concerns and health effects such as possible cancer.

Do they plan on bringing it back this chip in the future  with of course improvements?

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Is there some way to change out one of my PCIs on my motherboard? Some way to get rid of one of these 32s and get a 64 instead? Or do I have to get an entirely different computer or motherboard?

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If I do put a 64-bit Firewire 800 PCI in my 32-bit slot, I already understand it will not go to the full Firewire speed. So what speed will it go to exactly?

Will it just be the plain old Firewire 400? Or will it be somewhere in between?

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