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I want know have any talking computer keyboard and how did it?

If do not have any talking computer keyboard how many possible days need coming for us?

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What is the difference between DataGrid and GridView in

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What is the best way to recover information that has been stored on a drive that has got damaged.


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What will happen when you compile and run the following code? public class MyClass{ static int i; public static void main(String argv){ System.out.println(i); } } 1) Error Variable i may not have been initialized 2) null 3) 1 4) 0

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What will be printed out if this code is run with the following command line?
java myprog good morning
public class myprog{   public static void main(String argv)   {System.out.println(argv[2]);   }} 1) myprog
2) good
3) morning
4) Exception raised:"java.lang.

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2"

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Can my computer become instantly infected with a virus if I unknowingly open a malicious mail?

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Can using a non-working battery actually cause damage to the motherboard?

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How do I use MYSQL to store data that has been collected in a webpage form?

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My launchpad is not working. I have downloaded the latest driver, update the operating system with latest service pack and reinstall the launchpad but when I connect the device with USB port, it shows 'unrecognized device' with following message. Have you experience such problem or have any idea on...

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I just upgrated my system to opensuse 11.1. But it's not working properly. The following message is appearing.

The said file resists in hard drive, but it is not recognizing.

I tried to recognize the file several times by clicking 'retry' but it's not working.

What is it's solution?

Please let me know.

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