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when I try to export data in SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, a message called, 'the wizard will close' appears and process stops. I reinstalled the SQL server several times but every time it shows the same problem.

How can I get recovery from this? It is urgent because I...

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I am facing the following error after installing apache into my system. It was not present before the apache installed.

So I guess it is for that program.

But I don’t have idea that how to solve it. Should I upgrade any program?

Please let me know the solution.

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I tried to run 3D acceleration application, but produce following error message.

I have 512 MB NVIDIA PCI express card, 2 GB DDR RAM with Duel core processor.

I also have the latest version of DirectX.

I am pretty sure that my hardware drivers are up-to-date.

Please anybody share with me the reason...

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I am trying to upload a webpage using my computer as data server. I tried to start IIS Manager but default web page was stopped and produced a error message. Then I tried to start HTTP SSL but the following error message generates. I guess I am doing any...

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Hello friends,

I don't have any idea regarding following error. I am a navies computer user. When I try to open Wmware player the message come and the program stops responding. Is it for any hardware or software failure? What should I do at this circumstances?


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My friend wrote a small web based program to store client information. I used the program in her laptop and found it running well.  But it is not working properly in my computer. The following message is showing and inputted data is not saving. Should I update Internet Explorer?

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Have you ever face such problem while setting up AVG?

I was using Avast for a long time. Everything was okay before yesterday.

I reinstalled my Windows and download AVG from internet.

But when I tried to install it, following error message is appearing and the installation process goes to quite.

Is this...

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Is it possible to create user without using (create user) command?

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Please say me,

How to solve the error "http statas 500"?

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We are planning a small network in my office. 40 people. I am thinking about star topology.  One Router which connects to few switches. Say few 24 post switches.

What do you experts suggest, one switch for each department?  Business will expand in few years.

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