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I am encountering problems with some applications on my HP laptop. So I copied those applications to another drive with larger capacity. It works for me but the problem now is that, I keep receiving error stating: Unable to load updates. Error code is 8024A000. I went to Microsoft...

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I have created 9 custom ringtones  and I want to put them into my iPhone. But not all of them could be transferred. And even if I would choose 5 of it, only two or three are being synched into the phone. So what I did was search in...

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I had the iPhone since the original 2G version with the black and silver cover. I upgraded it to iPhone G, then to iPhone 4. Now I have downloaded iOS 5 and I keep receiving an error stating that my message box is full.  I never had this problem...

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 Dear Experts,

I need help in giving full access permission to other users to my mailbox. We are using Exchange 2010 and my mailbox would not appear on their Outlook even after being given full access permission. Using Shell and Console did not help. Is there another way to do...

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I want to know the battery life of iPhone 4. My iPhone’s battery seems to last a little longer. I have been using the internet for about 15 minutes now and at the same time I was sending text messages using Siri and have checked my Facebook page a...

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I build a website using HTML. It’s about a simple quiz and I want to be able to browse it offline and show a group. I downloaded a zip file, unzip it with a good reader, but I can't view it in Safari. Viewing through a good reader is...

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I am new to Evernote. I installed it in my WinMo 6.5 phone that is when I encountered some problems. When I go to 'New Note', then 'Upload File', I can't see any files except for the '.jpg'.

Should it really be that way? Is JPG the only file format...

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I am an ex-Palm head looking into Evernote as a substitute for Outlook notes as my notes were shamefully neglected on WinMo by Microsoft.  My notes were organized categorically and this translates nicely into a Tag on Evernote for Windows. However, the WinMo client appears to be unable to...

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I recently installed the latest version of EvernoteWM_3.3_64861 on my Dopod with Windows Mobile 6.0. But I could not log in or see any kind of notes. The screen is showing an error message: Error occurred while interaction with Evernotes Service. The server name or address could not be...

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I'm quite confused.  My computer runs with Windows 7.  Recently, a notification popped up stating that in thirteen days my OS will expire.  When I clicked the notification, it told me to install a Win7 OS and make a back-up. 

I then checked the system settings but it vanished.  According...

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