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I am using a Philips 192LE as my monitor. My graphics seems to be choppy when I change my workspaces, I have only 2. The system freezes for some time after I change my workspace. I have a VIA chipset on my motherboard.

Please help me with this.

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I have been doing official work in Microsoft Office 2007 in a private company but recently when I applied the save command and document is going on in save but in the processing moment the electricity gone out so when I try to open it, it is not opening.


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I have been doing data entry work for a big company and I always do my work in an Excel file. I do huge work so I would like to get auto serial for day, month and year so that I can do huge work easily quickly.

Please suggest anything...

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My computer has been installing Microsoft windows XP so for doing my daily work quickly I need to customize the start menu as per my requirement but I do not find the way to make it.

Shall appreciate if any person suggest me.

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I have a WiFi modem router. I usually leave them on at night when I sleep so that I won't need to turn it on again when I need to access the Internet in the morning when I'm still drowsy on my bed.

Will my router's life shorten or will...

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I want to mix my voice with audio files. I have a microphone. By windows default sound recorder I can record my voice. But my target is to mix my voice with audio. I record voice of mine by my headphone, while an audio file is playing in Windows.


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Hi Friend,

I am trying to print my document of word file, statement of excel file but did not do it. I do not know what is the problem, is it printer or computer problem or others. Can anybody suggest me what cab be problem with me and how I...

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I have a problem with my Portable Photoshop CS4 install in my computer. I am using Intel Core2 Duo CPU, with 2gb memory running Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002, Service Pack 2. I've been using my Portable Photoshop for quite a while and I never encounter a problem....

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I am installing pro version of Sony Vegas on my computer but gives an error "make sure administrative privileges on this system". I have Windows 7 running 32 bit on my pc. Is there missing plugins or addition software need to be install before I get the full privilege...

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i use blackberry storm one phone. For the newer versions (torch, bold, etc) research in motion (RIM) keeps developing new operating systems for them. I want to know if RIM has stop developing new operating systems (OS) for my phone and the other old versions or the...

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