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Hey! What happened to my mouse. I just got this error message. I don't do nothing but the error came up and keep on popping on my laptop. I don't what to do. Can anyone please help me with the solution. See error details!

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Guys need your help,

I try to open/run/execute regedit.exe, under Windows7 but when I try to move it I got the error message saying Regedit.exe – Application Error. I tried to rename it on .com and *.exe it works fine. That's the only error, and I don't know whay.Please provide some solution about it.

See image...

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I have a broadband connection. I want to use the same connection in my laptop and desktop computer. The laptop and desktop has the LAN port and LAN card has installed both of them. I have CAD 5 cables, a switch, connector.I use windows 7 in laptop and windows...

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Help me with my problem. I'm installing some of my files here. But when I'm in the middle on installation the error came up and keep on popping-ups even though I restart my computer. The files that I'm trying to install is some kind of music program. I don't...

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After I downloaded VLC on my laptop and install all the bid required it all works fine. But when I use just right now I didn't know why the error message came. Can anyone tell me what was the cause of this error?

VLC Player

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I use XAMPP as localhost on my PC . I want to send email using localhost . But I can't send email through XAMPP . What are the activities of FileZilla on XAMPP ? Can you help me about these issues ?

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Hi The Master's,

I have this problem a problem with the global hotkeys every time I run it the error came up I don't know why, I'm frustrated about it. Is there away that I can save all the changes in hotkeys?

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Good day!


I have this winamp. BUt when I run it the error came up and i don't know what the cause was.

I have a windows 7 and always upgrade all. Is there anyone could help me solve this problem.


Module Plug-in Error

Corrupt file or unsupported module...

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When I try to connect to internet i.e. GPRS to my PC by using mobile networking wizard facility available from
'Sony Ericson PC Suite'.
See the uploaded image below for the proof of the error code 720.


Mobile Networking wizard
(720) A...

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I have a project called editing some logos. At first i can edit much as I can.

But this time I encountered the error message and keep on popping it. I don't know what cause the error was.

I already look for the theme. ini but nothing seems to be the...

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