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I have a new window7 that I changed from windows XP.

But suddenly the error pop-ups and I don't know what to do.

I did all the instruction about this, but there's nothing happened it always pop-ups the windows.

Any help me.

MSI Afterburner

Some of MSI Afterburner components are expired, missing or corrupted!       ...

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Why I'm having this error. I just want to reboot some of my old files here. I have a windows7 running so fine and great.

Can anyone provide me some solution about this.

See below the error message.


Error in NVCPL.DLL

Missing entry: NvStartupRunOnFirstSessionUserAccount




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I want to setup multiple displays on my computer to use the one of the displays just for watching the stock market. My motherboard is still using its built in video card. But it can accommodate to a PCI Express x16 card. What setup would you recommend for me?...

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I have an assignment at school regarding the use Microsoft office products. Our assignment is how to lock important documents and keep it safe from other users. Preventing them from: Viewing, Editing, and Copying. Help will be most appreciated. Only use the built in functions of Microsoft office and...

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I have error when coming out of standby with the 280.26 whlq drivers.

Also happens with the 280.19 beta drivers as well but as they were beta's. Anyone please advice a solution.

Display driver stopped responding and has recovered

Display driver NVIDIA windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 280.26...

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My mobile phone charger was lost while moving my things to a new house last week. Right now I am charging my Google nexus one via my data cable. But my computer’s USB port is not as sturdy as it used to.

A light nudge would disconnect my device. Would...

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I'm trying to update my new driver, but it turned out with the error.

And the error keeps on popping. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this problem.

I have window XP also i have windows7.

Microsoft Windows

NVIDIA Control Panel Application, 2.8.313.07 has...

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I have a vaio c series laptop VGN-CS320; it’s wonderful to look at. Very sleek looking and especially cute.

But my problem is it turns itself off when i'm using it. Literally. Not even go to shut down mode. Sometimes it hasn’t finished booting up.  What should I do?

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I need your information about what I have. This is my problem. I'm install on my hard drive but before that I checked my HD if I have a enough amount and yes I have but the error pop-ups saying that I don't have enough HD memory.

I don't know...

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I'm trying to set up an SQL server that will administer my Microsoft Access databases but the problem is that when I try to enter data into the databases with the validation that I set up originally, in designing the databases from Microsoft Access before I uploaded in SQL...

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