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Posted on - 09/12/2011
I am using 32 bit windows 7 on my laptop and using Internet Explorer as my default Internet Browser.
Recently I am facing troubled while I am going to launch Internet Explorer.
An error message has occurred as
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Access is denied
After that, if I click ok, the program terminates abnormally. Need help from someone who can give good advise to solve this problem.
Waiting for help
Winload Access is denied problem.
This error occurs because of your internet explorer lost some of its data file. There are more than one ways to solve this problem. When internet explorer is not working that means you need to update our current version of internet explorer. Because when you use internet your internet explorer is updating in hidden. Now it may replace most of its files so needs to update. Other option is repairing your windows. Files or data may be lost for many reasons. Repairing the windows will restore those corrupted files. Replace your internet explorer folder in program file with other computer’s internet explorer folder which is running perfectly. It will repair your error and restore correctly. Then restart computer. This will help.
Winload Access is denied problem.
Your data file is corrupted or you might be a victim of software counterfeiting. Then you will really have a problem in their. To fix the problem. Try to update your windows first and then reinstall your internet explorer or update it to a latest version. If you are unable to update it is because you are a victim of software counterfeit.
I suggest that you buy a new operating system for your computer and start a fresh install of the operating system in your PC. This way your internet explorer will surely work again or you can also update it to a much higher version with more features and more convenient to use than the previous versions.