Why can’t I upload to Microsoft SkyDrive from my Microsoft desktop office app? I have been trying to upload to my Microsoft SkyDrive account from my desktop office app recently but the files are not uploading. My internet connection was excellent because other web services are running fine except the uploading to SkyDrive. How can I fix the problem?
Why can’t I upload to SkyDrive from my desktop?
Possible causes why your not able to upload files to Skydrive from your Desktop. One possible cause will be the file size, the file size depends on the version of your browser. If you have Internet Explorer 10 or any recent version of other browsers like Firefox or Google Chrome Skydrive will allow you to upload up to 10 GB, and if you are using lower versions you can't upload any file larger than 300 MB. Another possible reason is the file name, file name could be too long or might contain characters that are not allowed such as / ? * " > < and for folders CON, COM0-COM9, LPT0-LPT9 are not allowed. Another possible reason is the file might be open in another program for example it is attached to an open email. It will be best also if you can provide the exact error message.