While Playing .MPG File Through Movies And TV, The System Generates A 0xc004f011 Error

Discuss about the 0xc004f011 error? Explain the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?

Discuss about the 0xc004f011 error? Explain the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?
When the video files in the system are played using a third-party application, then an unexpected error occurs named as 0xc004f011 error. The error message shows, ‘The Software Licensing Service reported that the license file is not installed.’ Sometimes it displays SL_E_LICENSE_FILE_NOT_INSTALLED. The solutions to resolve this error code are as follows:
Solution 1:
Run the DISM command: DISM/Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth to resolve the error code.
Solution 2:
Select the Download codecs automatically option.
Step 1: Open the Windows Media Player.
Step 2: Click on Now Playing and select More Options.
Step 3: Select the player tab.
Step 4: Select the Download codec automatically option on the Player tab.