We all know the very well known fact that Reliance Communications has launched its ultra fast data network with speeds of up to 14.7 Mbps. It is also said that it provides lightening fast data streaming without any delay and buffering which will be highly beneficial for smartphones, laptops and tablet users. When is Reliance planning to launch Pro3 in Mumbai and Delhi?
When is Reliance planning to launch Pro3 in Mumbai and Delhi?
Hi Joseph H Higuchi,
                                     Reliance Communication, The leading 3G service provider of India has already launched its ultra fast data network which is called Pro3 in Chennai. It provides the ultra fast speed of 14.7Mbps. Also you got it right that it provides data streaming without any delay and buffering.
Chief Executive Officer Mr Gurdeep Singh of Reliance Communications Limited, Said that they launch pro3 in 4 cities including Chennai,Delhi and Mumbai. From which it is already launched in Chennai and everyone hopes it will very shortly launches in Mumbai and Delhi.