This page contains scripting code that could be changed

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hello friends, I meet an error while using Microsoft FrontPage, the error that I  meet said that this page contains scripting code that could be changed if you switch to Normal view, see below the screen shot of the error for better view of my problem.

Microsoft Front Page

This page contains scripting code that could be changed if you switch to Normal view.

Are you sure you want to switch to Normal view?

I checked on the internet for some solutions on my problem, but I haven't seen similar as what I have, I am also asking for some help with my friends, but it seems they can't figure out on what might be the solution of my problem, please share some comments on my issue. thanks a lot and more power.

Best Answer by Allan Mill
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #98107

This page contains scripting code that could be changed


This is tough to detect without seeing the actual page, but perhaps your own
Safety zones (in Internet Explorer's World Wide Web Options) have reached mistake. For instance, an individual
might have the managed website set up as Trustworthy, your neighbourhood site as
World wide web or even Limited.

Answered By 5 points N/A #98108

This page contains scripting code that could be changed


Go to the “Tools” tab and select “Internet Options”. Click on the “Advanced Options” tab, and after scrolling down you will find an option "Disable script debugging." Deselect this option. Also deselect the option "Display a notification about every script error." Now that same problem may not reoccur.

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