What is the function of Name Server Daemon (NSD)?

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What is the function of Name Server Daemon (NSD) and how to analyze the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as task to execute if there's a growth of volume in parallel consumer? The data analysis will help us to determine the troubled sites and assist them.

Answered By 0 points N/A #107002

What is the function of Name Server Daemon (NSD)?



The main feature of NSD is to minimize responses to reduce truncation. It is used to add changes or variance to the so called gene pool. You can examine the performance and the traffic generated by a http transaction by using different TLS programs and queries. One such analyzer is the Tcpdump program which denotes its pattern of behavior in a specific time.

Many third party applications are also available for this purpose  for instance http sniffer.

The best option however is to use wire shark which is the most commonly used network protocol analyzer. Further details of this product can be found at : https://www.wireshark.org/

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