What is the difference between BIS and BES?

What is difference between BIS – Blackberry Internet Service and BES – Blackberry Enterprise Server?
I have a little company, I want to create a private network.
Which is better for me?

What is difference between BIS – Blackberry Internet Service and BES – Blackberry Enterprise Server?
I have a little company, I want to create a private network.
Which is better for me?
BIS is an abbreviation for BlackBerry Internet Services. By the help of BIS you get access to internet. Just like a home computer has an ISP right? BIS is just like an ISP too but for your smartphone. Every single time you receive an email on your Blackberry or visit webpage etc, it will all be done through BIS
BES is an abbreviation for Blackberry Enterprise Server. By the help of BES your blackberry will get access to a corporate intranet. Intranet is a network present within company that is fully private and internal. In most of the cases it is a network present only within a country and being cut-off from rest of the world. However by appropriate settings intranet can be allowed to communicate with the internet as well.
In your case you must definitely go for BES
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server is a software package that can be used in an organization’s email system that allows BlackBerry Smartphones to be integrated. BES or the BlackBerry Enterprise Server is available until version 5. The next version after this is the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10. There were no versions 6 until 9. The BlackBerry Enterprise Server supports Novell GroupWise, Microsoft Exchange, Google Apps, and Lotus Domino.
The main feature of a BlackBerry Enterprise Server is to relay or send email from a corporate mailbox to a BlackBerry Smartphone. The server tracks the user’s mailbox and then sending new messages to the handset using the user’s wireless provider and BlackBerry NOC or Network Operations Center. The BlackBerry Internet Service or BIS, on the other hand, is the main alternative to using BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
BIS is available in 91 different countries. It was basically developed for average consumer which allows users to access Outlook Web App, POP3, and IMAP email accounts without the need to connect to a BES. BlackBerry Internet Service allows accessing up to 10 email accounts which includes proprietary and public email accounts like Outlook, AOL, Gmail, and Yahoo.