Vodafone Modem is not able to install with Windows 7 Pro

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

I have owned this modem for some time now. I even tested it with my PC when I was using MS Windows XP Pro and the software version was V

Now I am using windows 7 Pro 64 bits. I then used the modem and it work ok until quite recently I uninstalled and re-installed its software. I could not connect to the internet anymore. I live in South Africa and it is a Vodafone branded modem. I even took it to Vodacare. One person struggled with the modem for about two hours but he could not figure out what was wrong. At a point the computer didn't recognize my device. He told me to uninstall all the things on it and I did it myself again. When I was doing the installation this error message came up.

Error 2753: The file ""agent.exe6ED28686_7B19_420C_B255_05" is not marked for installation.


Answered By 5 points N/A #140971

Vodafone Modem is not able to install with Windows 7 Pro



This is the installation problem in your personal computer. Please do the following steps:

Go to Run command placed in the start menu window

Type cmd and press enter. A command prompt window will be opened.

Write "regsvr32 vbscript.dll" and select enter button.

The following message should be visible "DllRegisterServer in vbscript.dll succeeded."

If it happens, the missing installation file will be fixed. Now install the modem software again.

If this problem arises again, then go for installer file for Vodafone application. Repeat the process described above.

This time, the error message “Error 2753” will not occur.

Thank you for your time

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