A virus changing my files to executable files

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am using Avast version 6,but I really doubt if its working because, I have noticed most of my files are changing to .exe format and can not be opened even after I try to repair them. My worry is this a virus or what could be the problem and how do I go round it?

Best Answer by james1980
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #128138

A virus changing my files to executable files

  1. it is an indication that your computer system infected with virus and the only way to remove your virus from your system is to use antivirus program.
  2. check if your antivirus program is a trial version? convert it to full version by registering it.
  3. update your antivirus program according to latest version as new virus come every now and then and your current version may be unable to find them.
  4. after taking all these steps if you are still facing the problems than try to install and use some other antivirus program.
  5. Take these steps as soon as possible before you face some serious issues due   to virus.





Answered By 0 points N/A #128139

A virus changing my files to executable files


First you have to confirm that the anti-virus that you are using is a free or trial version. If yes then register it to full version by buying a serial number from the authorized company and enter into it. Then update the version because about 30000 viruses are created every data and the older or outdated version of anti-virus are unaware of these viruses and can't detect them. When you update your anti-virus then scans your computer with it. It will find out the viruses that are causing your computer and making your file and folder to .exe.

Hope this will solve your problem. I will recommend you AVG anti-virus.

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