Using Facebook through a smartphone

Asked By 5 points N/A Posted on -

Hi there! I have noticed one thing that when I use Facebook through mobile phone and after I log in and someone else checks my profile from a mobile phone as well, he can see the exact time I was active / online the last time. Like if I was online 30 minutes ago it says "active 30 minutes ago". I really don't want my friends to see this. Is there anyway I can make sure this information is not shown to my friends? Thank You!

Answered By 0 points N/A #183141

Using Facebook through a smartphone


Hello Bruce!

There are many ways to change settings on your Facebook account. Hiding notifications like this is easy. Just follow the steps bellow and check the results.

1.  Go to Privacy Settings. Next look for Notifications. Go to Mobile Push and uncheck Messages.

2.  Go to Privacy Settings. Next go to Apps/Applications and delete all applications you don’t want to share.

3.  Go to Privacy Settings. Next go to Apps. Next Apps Other Use. Uncheck everything.

Your personal information like birthday, hometown, and current city think if you want to disable these too. In the privacy settings of the messaging app, there is an option to disable "time stamp" or commonly known as "Seen."

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