Hi there,
This error message box appeared on my phone while I was trying to update Audible for Android. The thing is that I cannot use the app until I make the necessary updates. Can any expert provide me a link from where I can make the updates ? Why I cannot update the app ?
Thank you !
Update for “Audible for Android” could not be downloaded due an error. (Error retrieving information from server. [RPC:S-5:AEC-0])
Update for Audible for Android could not be downloaded
You have to restart the applications Google Play Store and Google Service Framework
Reason: We need a fresh cache memory for all of the installed applications so that they can run smooth and fix the information download error
1. Menu
2. Settings
3. Applications
4. Manage applications
5. Select All
6. Find Google play store
7. Stop the application
8. Clear data
9. Back once
10. Find Google Service Framework
11. Again, shut it down and clear it's cache
12. Reboot
13. Open Google Play Store and have an update for your request fix