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0 points
Posted on - 09/08/2011
I am trying to make an account on a web hosting site i.e But on the signup page I'm getting an error about captcha. It's saying that 'you have to enter captcha' and problem is that there is no captcha. Instead of captcha it is showing some code like 'eqy2314dff4wasd3'. Anyone please help me. I tried 2-3 browsers but problem is same.
Answered By
0 points
Unable to see captcha on signup page.
Hello Hamza_0o7. Let me explain first what captcha means. Captcha is used mostly by all websites especially the sign up process to verify the user if it is human or not. It is automatically generated by websites to secure servers from boot ( a non human, computer generated system). The problem you are facing is not because there's no captcha on that site that you can't input in the box. Your problem is your internet connection. Usually captcha loads slow when you have slow internet connection. Sometimes it will not show at all. You can try to refresh your webpage first and check your connection. That computer code will show up when the website detects you try to sign up continuously.