Good evening! After a restoration of windows I wanted to reactivate the startup recovery manager activating the classic F11 but reactivating it in tools and utility it answers me “impossible to activate acronis startup recovery manager” and “not succeeded…”. How can I do to reactive the F11? Can anyone help me please ?
Thanks !
Unable to open (initialize) computer
Unable to initialize snapshot manager library (0×10005)
Tag = 0×8D5BF87C202E86D1
The system cannot find the file specified (0×FFF0)
Code = 80070002)
Tag = 0×BD28FDBD64EDB8B9
Unable to initialize snapshot manager library 0×10005
I think what you mean by “restoration of windows” is you restored Microsoft Windows to a previous state using the System Restore utility. If this is correct and you have Acronis installed on your computer, you should check the date when you installed the application because you may be required to reinstall it.
Because if the date you selected to restore your computer is before the installation date of Acronis or before you installed the application then you really need to reinstall Acronis because the installation or the system has already been modified because of the restoration especially the registry. Any applications you installed after the date of the restoration will all be affected and needs to be reinstalled.
Uninstall Acronis then restart your computer. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then select Disk Cleanup. Select drive C and then click OK. Check “Temporary files” and “Setup log” [if it is available] then click OK and then click Delete Files. Install Acronis back and it should work normally again.