Tweak UI and Registry Editing had been disabled

Asked By 220 points N/A Posted on -

I want to tweak my Windows XP use interface. I want to change the settings, which aren’t reachable within Windows such as changing the desktop and start menu, which are not within reach unless you know how to do some changes in the Windows registry

I downloaded Tweak UI PowerToy for windows recently. After the download was complete I try to run the Tweak UI PowerToy for Windows XP but I’ve landed into an error. The following message displayed is “Tweak UI has been disabled by your Administrator”. Also when I try to run Registry Editor I also get some error message the message displayed is “Registry Editing has been disabled by your Administrator”.  

I really want to tweak the look of my desktop but both the Tweak UI Powertoy and the Registry Editor are having a problem. I think my laptop is infected with some kind of virus but that’s only my assumption. 

Best Answer by robort paul
Answered By 0 points N/A #107982

Tweak UI and Registry Editing had been disabled



There's a possibility that someone tweaked with your system permissions and disabled the use of registry editing tools like rigidity. What you can try to do in this case to fix that issue is to go to your Group Policy Editor and change the setting. Here's how you can do it:
  1. The first thing is going to the Group Policy Editor by going to Start then Run and type gpedit.msc
  2. Once the window is open, go to User Configuration then Administrative Template and System and find Prevent access to registry editing tools
  3. Double click it and change the setting to Disabled.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #107981

Tweak UI and Registry Editing had been disabled

1. Take these steps to make your TEWAKUI services unable:
2. First go to start menu and click on run
3. Type following line in here:
4. REG add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /ftype
5. And you will see that your service is now executed. if it does not work then follow these steps, again go to START and click on RUN now type:
A new window will open now go there where this picture is showing

6. Just configure the registry and you will see that your windows registry is working properly.

7. You can also go to START, CONTROL PANEL, ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS and going to the SERVICES. I hope this will work fine.
Robert Paul. 


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