I have installed windows XP vista theme in my desktop pc. Before that I use normal windows XP but after installing vista theme i got a problem that before appearing desktop background a dialog box appeared with "reminder in 5sec" and after 5 sec and by clicking reminder it opens. Would you tell me what can i do now?
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Troubleshooting problem of Windows XP vista theme
HI Paul,
There are things to consider why this error occurred, it may be the Vista Themes is corrupted and reminder is not disable.
Using WinXP Vista theme have different features that you may change your user log-in, boot screen, icons, explorer bar
icons, calendar reminder, cursor sets, etc. In order to resolve the your problem, please see the following procedures:
1. Disable calendar reminder feature
2. Uninstall or remove the current Vista Theme
3. Try other Vista theme by downloading
Please see the links for your reference:
Troubleshooting problem of Windows XP vista theme
Since it is a vista theme that you installed on the windows XP operating system, then the reason why it is giving that kind of error is due to compatibility issues. You should have read the reviews on the theme first, which operating system that it can work on well and any other details concerning its performance. The only workaround that I can recommend for that problem is as follows:
Go to the control panel and uninstall that theme from your computer.
And then go back to the site where you downloaded the theme from, and then search for a theme that is meant to work on windows XP.
Download it and install it.
That should help fix the compatibility issues in the theme.
-Clair Charles