Transfer music to a new computer

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I moved from a PC to Mac. iTunes on the PC is flaky thus can't get home sharing to work. Is there a way to transfer the contents of my iPhone (it has all my music on it) to my Mac by plugin the iPhone into my Mac and copy all music?

Answered By 0 points N/A #167989

Transfer music to a new computer

If you want to transfer music from your Apple device to your Mac then your itunes will show some error if your music weren't bought from Itunes. You can download a software named iPhone to Mac Transfer software. You can download it from here. To transfer your songs follow the following steps:-
1. Click "music" icon to open iPhone music/movie library folder and see all the files are on the interface. 
2. Select and check your favourite music and press "Export checked files to local" button to transfer music files from iPhone to Mac. There will be a dialog box pops up and choose a target folder from local to save the transferred files. 
3. Press "Save" button in the pop-up box, you will see all files you selected on software interface will be copying into Mac local folder. When it finished, check the exported files on Mac and play them for checking the quality. 
I hope it helps you.
Answered By 590495 points N/A #328174

Transfer music to a new computer


Whether you are using a PC or a Mac, you can easily transfer your iPhone’s content to your computer by synchronizing your phone with your computer using iTunes. When using iTunes, make sure you have the latest version installed. Go to the Update to the latest version of iTunes page and select the device you are using.

Like if you are using a PC, click the “PC” link and for Macintosh, click the “Mac” link to download the version specific to your device. The latest version of macOS is 10.15 Catalina. If you can’t update your Mac to this version because of hardware limitations, you can update iTunes up to iTunes 12.8.

To update iTunes on your Mac, open the App Store then click “Updates.” If there are any updates available to iTunes, click “Install.” For Windows users, if you have Windows 10, you can download the latest iTunes on the Microsoft Store or visit the iTunes Download page on the Apple website.

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