Asked By
fabion cole
20 points
Posted on - 06/26/2013
I had scanned slides that results in tiff files approximately 500kb size.  I don’t know how if there is tif to JPEG convertor software other than deleting hundred slides and start all over.  I want to convert these files to decrease the file size.  But it would  be painstaking to have to do each individually in Photoshop.  Is there a program that will batch convert all of these files for me? So far searching Google hasn't helped me, and every time it looks like the said program will work on a Mac, it really won't  not unless it was an .EXE file.  Appreciate any insight. Thanks
Tif to jpeg convertor software for 500kb size
Hi there Fabion Cole,
There are plenty of free software that deals with batch conversions and your files aren't so large they couldn't be handled by regular converters.
I would like to suggest you to try one of the following:
Bulk Image Converter

This is a free, simple and easy to use piece of software designed for batch conversions. All you have to do is download it, install it and enter the path to the folder which contains the files that need to be converted. Of course, you need to select the output format too. Find it here:

IrfanView is another great little software that is both, image viewer and editor that support batch edit and conversion of the images. It can be found on the following link:
Best regards,
Drake Vivian
Tif to jpeg convertor software for 500kb size
If you need to convert several or a bunch of TIFF files (.tif) into JPG format (.jpg), try heading down to Online image converter to JPEG. This is a free online tool that allows you to convert different image formats into JPG format. It allows you to upload your files in four (4) ways:
- Picking it from your hard drive
- Dropbox
- Google Drive
Just upload your files, set some settings if you prefer, and start converting. When conversion is complete, you can download the files immediately without requiring you to enter your email address. It supports the following conversions and many more:
- 3FR to JPG
- AFF to JPG
- EPS to JPG
- TIF to JPG
Another free tool is with but you have to perform two conversions, first is convert to PDF and then finally to JPG. For your TIFF files, go to TIFF to PDF Conversion Online first, upload your files, and convert. When conversion is complete, download the resulting PDF files. Next, go to PDF to JPG, upload the PDF files, and convert to JPG.