Is there any way to do this

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Is there anyway to make new folder by using keyboard shortcuts

Best Answer by Gajora Sam
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Answered By 0 points N/A #127422

Is there any way to do this


Shortcuts are really useful because it saves time when you are doing a lot of work. So, you should know as much of shortcut as you can know as it saves you from being frustrated. What we really do while creating a folder is right clicking on empty space then clicking on New Folder but it is tiresome and really boring .

So, there is other way too to create a folder without having to do all those work. The steps for creating a new folder is by pressing Alt and F from the keyboard then releasing Alt key and pressing W+F and hence a New folder will automatically be created .

There is also other way of doing this.

If you are in Windows 7 you can press Ctrl+Shift+N and there a New Folder is created easily.

Answered By 40 points N/A #127423

Is there any way to do this


Hi there ,

It seems that you are having trouble finding shortcut for creating a new folder.

Its so sad that nobody is giving more details on what their problem is , It would be much easier if you had specified the which operating system are you using ??? 

Windows XP or Windows 7 or new windows 8 ?

Windows XP its not that easy and i don't think the shortcut for windows 7 would work for it. In windows 7 you can rename a file by pressing the F2 and also for renaming a folder you can press F2.

Press ctrl + shift + N for making new folder. 

hope that solves your case.

Answered By 0 points N/A #195223

Is there any way to do this


Hello Dear,

It is very easy to make folders by using keyboard shortcut keys. There are no direct keys to make a new folder anywhere, but we can make folders in any location by pressing some keys.

First, open the location where you want your new folder to be. Press SHIFT+F10, it will open a list.

Then press N and then F.

A new folder will be created.

This is a very short method to make a new folder using your keyboard. Thanks.


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