Text running error with Adobe Fireworks CS5 textruns
Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this error? I tried running a text with Adobe Fireworks CS5 textruns but got this error “TypeError: element.textRuns.TextRuns has no properties”.
Does anyone have an idea how I can fix this error? I tried running a text with Adobe Fireworks CS5 textruns but got this error “TypeError: element.textRuns.TextRuns has no properties”.
It's an error due to malfunction of adobe. Follow the steps I mentioned and you will not find any error .
Create a path with the tool then select the type of tool.
Now look for an I-bat with a squiggle and click. Start typing after that choose window->type->paragraph.
Change the alignment in the paragraph panel to reposition the alignment in the paragraph to reposition where the text falls on the path.
Use this tip all will be ok.