SQL problems on expressions would not work

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Is there anyone who has discovered that SQL expressions cannot work with the word “between” for the shape file?

But otherwise it can work if an equivalent is used for example “SELECT*then the variables given. 

What other options should I use?

Anyone with different opinion, please give your helpful tips on this

Answered By 15 points N/A #100807

SQL problems on expressions would not work


I am guessing you need to use an SQL expression to find the range between values. To do that you can use the BETWEEN, or alternatively the operation which will be used to determine whether the value of an expression is within a specified range or values. Such an expression comes in handy when you have a list of things that you want to mark, without having to go through a large database to find them.

The SQL syntax for the BETWEEN expression is as indicate below:

expr [Not] Between value1 And value2


SELECT columns

FROM tables

WHERE column1 between value1 and value2;

Not that the BETWEEN expression is side by side with the AND expression.


-Clair Charles


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