Asked By
Ruth E Tran
80 points
Posted on - 08/08/2012
I keep hearing that someone is trying to access icloud unauthorizedly.
The only article I can find has something to do with someone having the last 4 numbers someone credit card getting their information stolen.
Someone is Trying to Access iCloud Unauthorizedly
Dear User,
Yes, the only reference that people keep repeating is the one you know about. The thing about it is, the intruders didn't access iCloud directly, they accessed his Amazon account that gave them the last four numbers of his credit card. This information was enough for them to get his Apple ID and password and modify it into his Apple based applications. Which followed them all the way to the Twitter account that they were after to begin with.
The moral of this story is, don't have all your accounts interlinked with each other. This guy had is Apple ID, Facebook, Twitter, and whatever else he had connected to one another. If you set up automatic access from one service to another it is dangerous and easier for intruders to go through all of your information and personal services. So no! No one is trying to access iCloud initially.
It was modified because of bad security measures by this guy.
On a personal note. Anything that exists can be altered.
So make sure you take precautions when setting up your personal accounts and permissions.
Hope this helps!
Someone is Trying to Access iCloud Unauthorizedly
Dear User,
iCloud wasn’t really altered or modified. It was in fact the Amazon that got modified. Intruders first got into Amazon account. And then to the Apple ID account, which helped them to get in to Gmail.
Also to twitter.
This happened because this user had his accounts chained.
They all were daisy chained together,