Solving “ Error Code 0x80240022” That Occurs When Windows Defender Fails To Update

How can “ error code 0x80240022” be fixed? Please help me to solve it. What are the possible causes of it and what is the solution? Explain in detail.

How can “ error code 0x80240022” be fixed? Please help me to solve it. What are the possible causes of it and what is the solution? Explain in detail.
This error often occurs when Windows defender fails to update which means the computer is out of certificate. The following issues can be there
Just follow these steps
You may receive error code “0x80240022” when updating the virus definitions for Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender. To fix the problem, first, make sure your computer’s date and time are correct. Double-click the time on the system tray to bring up the “Date and Time Properties” window. On this window, set the correct date and time.
Go to “Time Zone” tab and set your correct time zone. Next, go to “Internet Time” tab and make sure “Automatically synchronize with an Internet time server” is checked. In “Server,” select “” then click “Update Now.” If an error was triggered after doing this, select the other one, “” then click “Update Now.”
After this, click “OK” then try updating Windows Defender or Microsoft Security Essentials again. See if this works. If this doesn’t work, head down to Definition Updates For All Microsoft Antimalware and download the definition update for your program.