Solutions for existing HDD Bad Sector

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have an HP G60 laptop which I purchased on 2009. I forgot when it happened but the laptop suddenly stopped when I used it.. I tried to restart it, but a black screen appears with the words "Disk failure is imminent".

I browsed and tried Googling it. There were suggestions from forums that provided solutions to try HDD Regenerator. I tried these suggestions: I burn ISO to DVD and I tried to boot , then I scanned, it was more than these two bad sectors. I tried to repair it, but the failure continues.

I have no budget to buy a new laptop or buy a new HDD.

Anyone has a solution? Thank you in advance.

Best Answer by KevinBlythe
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #114924

Solutions for existing HDD Bad Sector


The first thing you have to do is to identify the brand and model of your laptop's hard drive.  To identify it, just open Windows Device Manager and look for Disk drives.  You will see the model number there, such as ST3500418S (sample only).  You can just Google the model number and you will find what brand it is.

I will use Seagate as an example.  Go to the website of Seagate and look for their disk tools (Seatools).  Follow the instructions for installing Seatools.  Once you have Seatools running, look for the option to do a full zero-fill on the drive.  Zero-fill means your hard disk will be overwritten with zeroes.  Aside from that, all bad sectors will be remapped making it unavailable to your operating system.  Take note that this means all your partitions and all your data will be erased!  Take all necessary precautions to back up your data.

If you need more help, just post your hard drive model number and I'm sure more people here will be able to help you out.

Answered By 0 points N/A #114925

Solutions for existing HDD Bad Sector


Alright, I need to find the hard drive model number,  then I will ask Google. Thanks for all of  your valuable hard work on this answer,  KevinBlythe.



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