Recurrence of Visual Basic runtime error 13 with a particular application.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I was working with Word on a document I created yesterday. It was working well and I closed it after using it. When I opened it today it showed Visual Basic runtime error 13. I don’t know what it’s, why is it occurring. Can anyone tell me about it?

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Answered By 0 points N/A #329188

Recurrence of Visual Basic runtime error 13 with a particular application.


Hello, the above image must be the one you see during the runtime. Visual Basic runtime error 13 is a mismatch and runtime error that normally occurs due to conflicts between the OS and the program. This ceases the file/program from opening/running. Its causes could be

  • Corrupted registry.
  • Malicious software attack on the file/program.
  • Interruption of other applications with VBA during runtime.
  • Or, the file is corrupted.

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