Asked By
Kelly Lopez
0 points
Posted on - 12/11/2011
I am encountering a worst trouble in Cubase 5 on my computer. When recording 8 bars song and attempt to put it in dissimilar parts of the song that has chorus, I encountered error of the audio through copy and paste. Like recording a song that has 16 bars verse and 8 bars chorus. This is a hip-hop song texture. Initially it has 17-25 bars chorus and copy and pasted the primary chorus into 41-49 bars, however, it is slightly off. What is the solution with this problem? It is already twice encountering this issue. I am novice using the Cubase 5, lately my chorus audio was bars in every song however, has a bit issues. Somebody help me please. Thank you.
Recording issue in Cubase 5
Maybe you should consider getting the latest version of the cubase application. The one you are using could be having limited functionality and therefore it can allow you to record only the number of bars as you have mentioned. Unless you have been using the application and before the latest incident you were able to use the task like the one you want it to perform now, then I would just suggest that you get the latest version. Otherwise if the application has before then you can just run system restore to remove any changes that you may have made that are making it not to work properly. You may also consider getting alternative applications that are used for music recording but offer a wider range of functionalities compared to the novice 5 that you are using.
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