Question concerning users online privacy

Hi TechyV,
The government protect my Online Privacy, Right? I'll just want to how does government protect the Online privacy of Internet user. Waiting for your answer.

Hi TechyV,
The government protect my Online Privacy, Right? I'll just want to how does government protect the Online privacy of Internet user. Waiting for your answer.
The sad true is that the government doesn’t protect your online privacy. They need to know who you are, where are you from and what are you doing on the internet any time of the day. There are laws in debate right now like PIPA or Protect IP, SOPA, ACTA and many other that could force your ISP (internet service provider) to share if needed your online history, like what you’ve downloaded, what websites have you visited, what did you upload and any other information they want or need.
You can only protect yourself by not uploading sensitive information about yourself on the internet or on un-trusted websites.Â
Hello Emily Haist,
It’s my pleasure to help you.
Unfortunately any of the governments does not have an exact procedure to protect our privacy online. By ourselves we have to choose that what sort of information we provide or not and with which site we share our privacy. Sometimes we can find guidance to learn about our online privacy. Google or some platforms provides these kind of supporting websites or forums. So we can follow them to update our knowledge about online privacy.
The important thing is you must read the Privacy Policy that provided by company. Then you will get some idea about the company (What, Where, Tasks, Vision, Mission) Then you can decide whether you share your privacy or not. So be careful before you share your very important private information with websites.
I think this information will help you for your online protection.
Thank you.