PyTorch For Machine Learning And AI

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I know that python is used for writing machine learning and artificial intelligence models. I recently came across a new term PyTorch. As I understand, PyTorch is a new programming language. Can you briefly explain what is PyTorch and why is it used for Machine Learning?

Answered By 0 points N/A #318671

PyTorch For Machine Learning And AI


First things first. PyTorch is not a new programming language. It is a python based package that is intended to replace NumPy. The reason behind this is that PyTorch is capable of utilizing the GPU. Apart from machine learning, PyTorch is also used as a deep learning platform. PyTorch provides high speeds and flexibility.

PyTorch is a scientific computation package. It is used in machine learning because it makes building complex neural networks extremely easy. One can also use their preferred python library to extend the functionality of PyTorch.

Since it is based on Python, it comes with all the benefits of python and has relatively simple syntax and results in easy to understand programs.

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